Dahlia tuber & rooted cuttings presale is happening now!
Shipping starts in April.
Specially curated varieties from our family farm to you!
Selected for vigor and health, grown via organic methods with care by hand.
Welcome to The Thicket on Hood Canal!
Our little family farm is a licensed nursery, inspected by the State of Washington Department of Agriculture who certifies us to ship to all 50 states. We implement eco-friendly pest management and strict, individual disinfection methods as we care for dahlia plants and tubers at every stage of their lifecycle and processing, all year long. We feel that the extra time and care is important to achieve the best plant health, and we see it in our results. If those are values you believe in, too, then you are in the right place!
Check out the FAQ in the box below, and if you still have questions after reading, please let us know.
If your wish-list dahlias run out, we have more chances for you! Each listing has a notification signup to get an email when the dahlia is available again. Please be sure to sign up for our main email, too, to know the day and time the sales opens and additions are added to the store (see bottom of page for newsletter signup).
Thank you so much for being here! We appreciate you!!