Growing in harmony with nature.

Growing in harmony with nature.

Dreaming of dahlias?

We are, too! Our little thicket farm, a haven for pollinators and wildlife, might seem sleepy for winter, but we are working on preparing tubers for our upcoming sale and developing and implementing grow plans for 2025.

Our farm plan goal is always to organically grow healthy plants in harmony with nature. Our dahlias are inspected for pests and disease by the WA Dept of Agriculture during the growing season, licensing us to ship to all 50 states.

At this time, we are not open for tours. We do appreciate everyone’s interest and are exploring possibilities for the future.

Thank you so much for your support of our small family farm!

Heather & Andy

Now accepting orders for spring-shipped dahlia tubers & rooted cuttings!

Now accepting orders for spring-shipped dahlia tubers & rooted cuttings! ☆

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As a licensed nursery, our dahlias are inspected during the growing season & certified for US shipping by the State of Washington Department of Agriculture. We are bee-friendly and implement eco-friendly practices while being proactive in dahlia health management.

Big thanks to Tracing the Fjord Magazine for featuring our little family farm in the Spring 2023 issue!